Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Where to even begin...

Lets start where I did...working out with 5-6lb weights and eating healthy without tracking any sort of calories and indulging more than anyone who is trying to lean out should. Cardio was my life and lifting was something that I couldn't help but compare myself and Spongebob trying to lift two marshmallows on a stick. You think I'm kidding...I'm sadly not.

Fast forward months later to my discovery of fitness accounts on notably being Sarah Bowmars.

It didn't take me long to realize she was someone I wanted to work with. Among the many fitness accounts provided on IG, to me, hers was the most real. Real meaning, she responds to comments and questions people write on her page, she provides information on not only how she betters herself, but how we as striving fitness individuals can better OURSELVES too. Isn't that what we need? Isn't that what we want? For was.

As you could probably already tell, I hired her as my coach. To say she is quick with responses is an understatement. I bought her plan and had a customized....yes, she caters and plans to YOUR goals and needs (ie: if you're gluten free), not some generic plan...within 24 hours.

Fast forward to even just two weeks into my plan and I had dropped 2 inches around every part of my body and my strength had increased. So to give you an idea when I first started working out push-ups were a no-go. Again...sadly this is true. Even modified push-ups were embarrassingly difficult. Now? Let's just say I'm not as shy to walk near the weight rack in the gym anymore nor do I pick up 5lb weights. I, Samantha Findlay, am finally starting to see the progress I once could only dream of.

What I really love about her programs though is that I have never once had something that was given to me that didn't work. I never once sent her an e-mail or text message that went unanswered. I never once felt unmotivated or that I don't "trust the process." If anything, she motivates me even more to be better than I was yesterday. To push myself to those uncomfortable limits that nobody wants to go to but if we want to grow and get better...we have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

The only thing I am mad about? Not starting to work with her sooner.

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